1.1 These General terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as “the GTC“) have been issued by the company Con Gusto s.r.o., incorporated in the Register of companies administered by the Regional court in Brno, part C, file 91494 (hereinafter referred to as “the Provider or the Seller“), and regulate all business relationships between the Provider and its Clients.
1.2 The Provider has been the restaurant keeper of the “Restaurant and steakhouse Monte Bú” in Brno and offers its Clients, as a part of its business activities, hospitality services and related services (hereinafter referred to as “the services“).
1.3 The Client is a person interested in making use of the services.
1.4 The Provider is interested in enabling its Clients to pay for the services rendered by means of a gift voucher (hereinafter referred to as “the gift voucher“).
1.5 The gift voucher is issued by the Provider in the value of 500.00 CZK; 1,000.00 CZK; 1,500.00 CZK; 2,000.00 CZK; 2,500.00 CZK; 5,000.00 CZK; and 10,000.00 CZK.
1.6. The financial amount as presented in the gift voucher must be drawn one-off, i. e. the Provider does not pay out the difference in case of a lower value of the service rendered in comparison with the gift voucher value. Nevertheless the Client is entitled to use the gift voucher to pay for the service, and to compensate to the Provider on the spot the amount exceeding the gift voucher value.
1.7 The value as presented in the gift voucher defines the value of the services including VAT.
1.8. The gift voucher is not related to a particular person only, and so it is freely transferable. At each of the Provider´s facility (Restaurant and steakhouse Monte Bú, Ristorante Piazza, Pivnice (beer bar) U Čápa, Gelateria Piazza) the gift voucher holder is considered to be a person entitled to use the gift voucher.
1.9 The Client shall order the gift voucher with the Provider solely in the electronic way, by its interest confirmation at the Provider´s portal www.monte-bu.cz (hereinafter referred to as “the order“). By dispatching the order and the gift voucher price payment a contract of purchase is concluded between the Client and the Provider, and the Provider´s obligation shall arise to deliver the gift voucher to the Client.
1.10 The Provider fulfills its obligation pursuant to cl. 1.9 by dispatching the gift voucher in .pdf format to the email address as communicated by the Client´s order. The Provider obliges to deliver to the Client the gift voucher within the term of three days from the day it received the gift voucher price payment to its bank account. In case of failure to deliver the gift voucher within the established term, the Client shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract of purchase, and the Provider shall be obliged to refund the payment it received from the Client.
1.11 The Provider allows for the gift voucher payment in one of the following ways: with a credit card, and by a bank transfer. The price shall be settled in the way as chosen in the Client´s order.
1.12 The gift voucher is valid for the period of 11 months (335 days) from the date of its issuance. The validity term is stated in the gift voucher.
1.13 The Client agrees that the contract relationship shall be regulated by the Provider´s General terms and conditions, and in issues not regulated by these terms and conditions the contract relationship shall be regulated by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.
1.14 The complaint procedure: the Client is entitled to ask for return of the unused gift voucher within the term of 5 days from its purchase. The whole amount of the voucher value shall be reimbursed to the Client.
1.15 The Client agrees, in the meaning of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain services of an information company, with sending of information of the Provider´s services and third parties´ up-to-date offers to the email address, or by SMS to the telephone contact as stated in the order. Moreover, the Client agrees with collection, storage and processing of personal data, as included in the order, by the Provider as the administrator for the purpose of the service rendering. This consent has been awarded for all data as included in the order. At the same time, the applicant is aware of its rights pursuant to par. 12 and 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on personal data protection. The same has been made familiar with all filled-in parts of the order; all data is exact and true; and it has been provided out of free will.
1.16 These GTC have been updated, and they have been in force and effect from 3 November, 2017.